About Edward Segal, RCE, CAE
Photo by Benedict Bacon
Edward’s Credentials Include:
- Leadership Strategy Senior Contributor for Forbes.com
- Host of the Crisis Management Minute podcast
- Consultant, Public Relations Strategies for Return on Investment, Inc., one of the top 20 advertising firms in the Washington DC area
- CEO of the Greater Los Angeles REALTORS® Association
- Communications director, government affairs director, and CEO of the Marin County Association of REALTORS® in Northern California
- Marketing strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal’s StartUpJournal.com
- Senior media relations consultant for Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide
- PR advisor to dozens of corporations, organizations, and state and federal agencies
- Author of three public relations handbooks and several articles on PR-related topics that have been published by the National Association of REALTORS® and state REALTOR® association magazines in Florida, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, and New Hampshire
- Media relations and presentation skills coach
Edward’s advice and expertise are based on his experience as:
- The marketing strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal’s StartUpJournal.com.
- Public relations consultant to dozens of corporations and organizations including the Consumer Electronics Association, E-Myth Worldwide, the Marriott Corporation, and national, state and local REALTOR® organizations.
- CEO of the Greater Los Angeles REALTORS® Association and CEO, Communications Director, and Government Affairs Director of the Marin Association of REALTORS® in Northern California.
Edward’s articles on a variety of public relations-related topics have been published by the American Society of Association Executives, National Association of REALTORS® and state REALTOR® association magazines in Florida, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, and New Hampshire.
Crisis Management Expert
Edward Segal has more than 30 years’ experience as a crisis management expert, public relations consultant, journalist, and press secretary for members of Congress and political candidates. He has:managed crisis situations as the CEO of two trade associations; advised and helped others get through a variety of crises ranging from the arrest and firing of CEOs, allegations of sexual harassment, and hate crimes to forged documents, business and personal bankruptcies, and financial mismanagement; and conducted crisis management and communication training for hundreds of CEOs and other top company officials.
PR Expert
Edward has placed thousands of news stories about and provided advice to corporations and organizations including the Marriott Corporation, clients of Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide, trade associations, and federal and state agencies.
Edward is the author of three PR-related handbooks including Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey/Hachette). Profit by Publicity (iUniverse) and Getting Your 15 Minutes of Fame, and More (Wiley & Sons),. Edward was a contributing editor for Present with Power, Punch and Pizazz! a book about public speaking and presentation skills by Arnold Sanow and Henry J. Lescalt.
Presentation Skills Coach
Edward has coached thousands of business executives, entrepreneurs, and public officials on how to deliver successful presentations to any audience and deal effectively with the media. The list of organizations for which he has provided coaching includes the National Association of REALTORS®, California Association of REALTORS®, E-Myth Worldwide, Consumer Electronics Association, National Electrical Contractors Association, U.S. Census Bureau, Ford Motor Company, Greater Washington Board of Trade, Humana, and Group Health Association.
Edward is the former marketing strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal’s StartUpJournal.com, and a freelance writer whose articles have been published by the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the American Society of Association Executives, and national and state REALTOR® associations.