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About Edward Segal

Edward Segal helps clients stand out from the crowd by generating publicity about their services, products, expertise, and accomplishments and showing how to deliver successful presentations to any audience. He is a crisis management expert who works with clients to help prevent, respond to, manage, and recover from a variety of crisis situations.

Edward Segal is a Leadership Strategy Senior Contributor for where he writes about crisis management and crisis communication-related news, issues, and topics. His latest book is Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals, and Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey/Hachette). Edward is the former marketing strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal’s and CEO of two trade associations.

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Watch The Book Trailer For Edward Segal’s 'Whistle-Stop Politics'

Edward Segal announced the launch of the trailer for his forthcoming book, “Whistle-Stop Politics: Campaign Trains and the Reporters Who Covered Them." You can watch the video below

The book features a foreword by Jules Witcover, a veteran Washington correspondent, award-winning journalist, former political columnist for the Baltimore Sun, and author of "85 Days: The Last Campaign of Robert Kennedy."

“Whistle-Stop Politics” is based on Segal’s years of researching and collecting stories, anecdotes, and images of hundreds of whistle-stopping politicians--and the journalists who covered them-- and his experience organizing a train tour for a member of Congress.

Hannah Churn did the design and animation for the book trailer and Matt Billman, the sound engineer at Heartcast Media, produced the narration.

Listen to Edward Segal’s
Crisis Management Minute podcast

Edward Segal's Services

Crisis Management
and Communication

Manage the Media

Speeches and Presentations

News Releases, Op-Eds, etc.

Strategic Planning

Coaching and Mentoring

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