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Working With A Major Traditional Book Publisher
Edward Segal gave a presentation to members of the National Press Club on November 19 about his experience publishing his book, Crisis Ahead: 101 Ways To Prepare For And Bounce Back From Disasters, Scandals, And Other Emergencies (Nicholas Brealey).

Segal discussed the merits of working with a major publisher and how technology and the Internet have impacted the publishing industry since publishing his first book in 2000. Segal’s colleague, Ed Barks. shared his experience and advice about the three books he has self-published.

The event was hosted by the Club’s Communicators Team as part of their "Lunch and Learn" series to provide professional tips and techniques for Club members.

Crisis Management: Turning the Tide on Negative Stereotypes
Society of American Travel Writers
There seems to be no shortage of crises these days. Edward Segal participated on a virtual panel discussion that explored the art of crisis management and how to battle negative stereotypes that can linger long afterward. Segal and other experts from crisis communications specialists to cruise lines and destinations that have “been there, done that” and (in some cases are still “doing that”) shared their latest guidance on retaking and owning the messaging during a time of crisis.

The 10 Rs of Crisis Management
Leadership in Trying Times International Summit

NPC Communicators host “Candid Conversation about Crisis Management”
Crisis management expert, author, and National Press Club member Edward Segal will share his advice and insights in a virtual “Candid Conversation about Crisis Communications” hosted by the Communicators Team via Zoom video conference on Thursday, Aug. 20, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Conducting Business Amid COVID-19
Supply Chain Network
Edward Segal, a crisis communications expert, discussed ways companies can bounce back and recover from pandemics, natural disasters and other emergencies.

How to Prepare For and Respond To a Pandemic or Other Crisis
Leadership Breakfasts of Maryland
Facilitated by crisis management expert Edward Segal, this virtual program was about the best practices to prepare for and respond to any business crisis.

Crisis Management – How to Prepare for, Manage, and Bounce Back​
United Appliance Servicers Association
Learn how small businesses were affected by COVID-19 and how they plan to bounce back from this crisis.

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